Thursday, 3 May 2012

How to Develop Effective Exit Strategies in B2B Email Marketing

A good marketing plan leaves no loose ends untied. Just as how your plan prepares how you enter your target market, it should also describe exactly how you would leave. Some email marketers tend to overlook this important part of the campaign and fail to come up with effective exit strategies. Here are three ways to incorporate exit points in your email prospecting business leads campaign.

Include opt-out link. Having an easily-visible opt-out link as part of your email as well as providing clear instructions on how your recipients can end their subscription is a good practice to keep in mind. Not only are you legally-obliged in some cases, like US business leads, to provide these items in your email, but you’re also able to show how highly you value your subscribers’ interest by giving them this choice.

Automate the process. Another way to make a graceful exit from your prospects’ inbox is to automatically stop sending emails to contacts who have not responded to a specific number of emails. Regardless of their reasons, it’s clear that sending any future emails to non-responding subscribers is pointless. Before you implement this strategy, it’s best to consult email marketing consultants or your business leads provider regarding the appropriate conditions to end some subscriptions.

Conclude your campaign. Once you decide to wind your campaign up for whatever reason, you should make it a point to notify your subscribers accordingly. Your subscribers should feel that you truly appreciate their interest and participation in your campaign as well as to have the option to subscribe to future emails from you. This is an ideal way to maintain good relationships and preserve continuity in generating business leads if you decide to resume or launch a new email campaign.

In email marketing, exit strategies are as crucial as your entry points. Consider the issues discussed above to make the appropriate plans. The key thing to remember is to always have the option to unsubscribe available to your subscribers and to base your exit strategies on the idea that opting out is not a setback but an opportunity for you to take advantage of.

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